
March 2017: Brian Tracy - Obituary

23 Jahre lang, von 1987 bis 2010, war Brian Tracy Resident Director des American Junior Year at Heidelberg University. Am 16 Dezember 2016 ist er nach langer und schwerer Krankheit in seinem 70. Lebensjahr gestorben.
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December 2016: RD-Conference 2017

RD-Conference 2017: The European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder) has offered to be the host for the 2017 conference

November 2016: Presidential Elections

In the 2016 Board elections, Wedigo de Vivanco and Kurt Gamerschlag resigned from the Board. Yasmin Fischdick of the ERG University Service GmbH at the Free University of Berlin was elected new Chair; Harald Braun of the Braun Stiftung was elected new Deputy Chair; Hanne Heckman was reelected as Deputy Chair.